it's always baffled me how accepting humanity is of the completely masculine religions we celebrate today, namely, Christianity. it wasn't until i found Wicca and other neo-pagan religions that celebrate femininity equally [sometimes even more so] as masculinity that i realized how much injustice has been paid to women throughout time thanks to the so-called "loving" ideals of many Christians. the truth is that these Christians who are unenlightened and ignorant are sexist, and proud of it. how many female figures in the Bible are celebrated an equal amount as the male patriarchs? the only one i can think of is the Virgin Mary, and she is only revered because of the divinity surrounding Christ's birth. after the virgin birth of Jesus, Mary was pushed aside and is hardly mentioned again. another celebrated woman is Mary Magdalene. but she, like so many other women throughout history, was turned into a grave sinner who needed the forgiveness of a man to achieve redemption. this great and noble woman was changed into a prostitute kneeling at Jesus' feet washing them with her hair. and why? because church leaders decided to take this passage where this feet-washing takes place and apply it to Mary Magdalene, who wasn't even present at this event. they did this because the church has always feared the empowerment of women. they know that women are capable of so much good and they fear that their own faults would be illuminated by the highly intuitive mind of the female.
so is this anti-feminine testasterone-fueled fear the reason so many women have been stripped of their rights and humanity? even today women and girls around the world are thought of as less worthwhile than men, their only purpose being to bear children until they die from it. men can't be bothered with the "woman's work" of cleaning, cooking, and watching over children, so he leaves this to his wife who is probably already ragged from this constant cycle of pregnancy-birth-pregnancy-birth.
i say, it's time women took a proper stand against this tyranny we have put up with for so long. the feminist movement needs support and a willingness of its members to take action, not just talk. rape is NOT okay. violence against women is NOT okay. total male domination is NOT okay. why does the world think it's okay that in a certain country, women now have to wear a red bracelet while on their menstrual period in the workplace? why is it okay in some cultures and religions to deem a woman "unclean" while on her menstrual period? even nowadays, it's not okay to be womanly. girls are taught from an early age that womanly curves are ugly and women with boy-shaped bodies [narrow hips, small breasts, muscles] are the only beautiful women. girls are taught to wear make up, do their hair, buy clothes that are sexy, and be the playthings of men. god forbid a girl has a mind of her own and goes against this preconditioning to womanhood. that's just not natural!!
let's take a stand. let us have our own church, a Church Of Femininity, Justice, and Wisdom. we will worship the Holy Trinity of the Mother, Daughter, and Holy Intuition. our feminine will shall be our prayer, our bodies our temple, the cycle of the moon our calendar, and the whole female sex our goddess. we shall promote tolerance, equality, freedom, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL. there shall be no segregated races, no "stronger" and "weaker sex", no inequal treatment and opportunities. a man would be free to dress and act as flambouantly feminine as he so wishes without the fear of retaliation from homophobes and fundamentalists. a woman would be as strong willed, powerful, and dominant as a man without the titles of lesbian, dyke, and bitch forced upon her.
let us pray: Mater Gaia, give us your strength, your comfort, and your motherly affection so we may weather this storm of injustice and inequality with strong hearts and come through the other side stronger and more beautiful than before. Persephone, we ask for your frivolity so we may laugh in the face of oppression and opposition. we ask for your beauty, your unconditional love, and your eternal spirit of youth. we also pray that we may be as forgiving and accepting as You so we may forgive our oppressors and offer them boundless freedom and duality with ourselves. we pray to you, Hecate, grandmother of our sex, to offer your infinite wisdom and eternal knowledge of the unknown. give us confidence for the shadowy road ahead, light our way with your moonlight, and shield us from harm with your magick. Triple Goddess, above and below, watch over your daughters and guide us on our way to a golden future with patience, courage, love, wisdom, and eternal feminine beauty.
the rains shall no longer fall as the tears of our Mother, but rather as the fuel for a promising spring of peaceful duality with our male counterparts. we will spring from the soil with all the color and vibrancy as the flowers in spring. we shall be wild, flippant, and free. but we shall also guide with loving words our posterity so they may always posses their inherent freedoms and equal rights. and with warm outstretched arms we shall embrace them and comfort them in troubled times. never again shall we struggle through the nighttime of ignorance. only a shining Renaissance from here on out, i promise you.
Hi Aoife, must say what a cool blog you have. Love how you like the name, aoife. I have a cousin who has that first name.
ReplyDeleteslan from Ireland